Annual Member Meeting

2025 Annual Member Meeting

Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m.

Y-12 Credit Union Operations Center
(2375 Cherahala Blvd., Knoxville)

We invite all members to our 2025 Annual Member Meeting for a recap of the 2024 year and election of two Board Directors.

2025 Nominated Directors for Election

There are two vacancies on the Y-12 Credit Union Board of Directors to be filled at the Annual Meeting.

Application for Nomination Petition for Nomination

Picture of Lloyd Jollay, Vice Chair.

Residence:Anderson County
Profession:Nuclear Nonproliferation / Nuclear Criticality Safety (28 years at Y-12 / ETTP). 
Currently the Vice President of Isotopes and Nuclear Fuel Cycle at Boston Government Services (BGS).
Background:Credit Union volunteer since 2005. Credit Union Services of East Tennessee (CUSET) since 2005 and current chair. 
Served on the Asset Liability and Supervisory committees. Served on the Board of Directors since 2013. Currently serving as Vice Chair.
Education:Bachelor of Science Engineering Physics - University of Tennessee Knoxville 
Master of Business Administration - University of Tennessee Knoxville 

Picture of Sam Pelchar, Director.

Residence:Anderson County
Profession:Consultant for companies doing business with DOE. Served various management positions in Westinghouse Electric Company; Nuclear and Environmental Businesses; numerous management functions including international finance, domestic finance, and acquisitions. Worked in CPA firm.
Background:Volunteer 15 years at Y-12 Credit Union; former member of Supervisory Committee, former Chairman of Asset & Liability Committee, former member of Trustee Committee, former Finance officer and ten years on Y-12 Credit Union Board of Directors, currently serving as Director.
Education:Bachelor of Science Accounting – Clarion University, Clarion, PA
Master of Business Administration – University of Tampa, Tampa, FL, and University of Pittsburgh, Oakland, PA
Master of Public Management - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Certification(s):Certified Public Accountant